Monday, January 11, 2010

what a nice way to (almost) start the week

This morning as the children all came out of bed, they cheerfully greeted me with, "Happy Mother's Day, Mom!"

Smiling sweetly at my children, I patted each one of them on their adorable heads and said, "Guys, that's so nice of you but today isn't Mother's Day."

My children were unfazed by the date as they excitedly said, "That's okay. We're just going to PRETEND it is." Looking over at Charlie, I said, "That sounds great to me. I'm going back to bed for an hour and when I wake up, I'd like an egg white omelet and fresh squeezed orange juice."

Charlie didn't agree. He said something about confusing the kids by celebrating a holiday four months ahead of schedule. To which I replied, "Why must you CRUSH our children's imagination?"

To which he replied, "Don't you have a conference call in 10 minutes?"

To which I replied, "........."

"Darn!! Can we please do this tomorrow?"


  1. Well, there is always tomorrow.

    Your kids are adorable. :)

  2. I bet that is Charlie teaching the children such respect of their Mother as he had for his.
